In the Arms of God
Beloved how could I think even for a single moment that I could find you? How could I feel even for the blink of an eye that there was a...
In the Arms of God
Resting in the Hands of God
On Vulnerability - Part 2
On Vulnerability - Part 1
Three short notes on three common fictions: god, nation and nuclear family.
The Beast
Spirit is who you are, always and already.
TAKING OFF THE MASK AS A DAILY PRACTICE.Inner judge, self-image and space - 2
TAKING OFF THE MASK AS A DAILY PRACTICE - Inner judge, self-image and space - 1
Being yourself is natural, growing up is optional.
The primordial need to find enemies, create problems and generate disturbance.
Beyond the Search. Waking up NOW!
Looking for answers?
Freedom of choice, freedom from choice and choiceless awareness
Take your time
Turning towards Authenticity