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Flow, Direct Experience, Unity, Being at the Center, Time/Space... Reflections and Understandings - 1

FLOW: An optimal state where action and awareness are one. Dissolution of subject/object separation and consequent disappearance of linear time.


For at least four or five years I have felt myself rushing/ascending/accelerating towards a point of attraction where experiences, insights and understandings of decades merge and illuminate each other. And for years I have been waking up in the middle of the night and there are flashes of lightning, internal flashes, sometimes very powerful and sometimes very subtle and delicate shocks that open up the internal space to make room for new directions, unexpected deviations, mysterious perspectives, moments of unity and ecstasy and moments of absolute humility and humanity of not knowing.

Almost everything begins in the body and then becomes feeling and then remembering and knowing.

Know? What an empty word when all knowledge is so purely temporary and partial. And yet, yes, for a moment there is knowledge, intimate and complete, luminous in the absence of doubt. It is a joy to feel that I am a vehicle for something greater than myself in its manifestation.


At the heart of these currents is my experience and research regarding Direct Experience (Satori) and Flow (Martial Arts, Essence, work with the Superego and personality in general).

Direct Experience and Flow are BEYOND THE MIND, impossible to lock up in conceptual boxes, maps of various kinds, beliefs and definitions and this makes them fascinating and elusive, attractive and frustrating and their manifestation is often perceived as "accidental and unpredictable"... it is to taste "Soma", the divine ambrosia, and then lose it, feel it vanish and not know how and if we will find it again.


In my capacity as a facilitator of Satori and Awareness Intensives, of courses on Essence and as a teacher of Aikido and Iaido I have met hundreds and hundreds of people who, after having had a direct experience, attached themselves to the hope of recreating those moments, that feeling, that serene, powerful, sweet, simple, immediate flow... And it was useless to remind them that everything changes, that direct experience by its nature never repeats itself, that flow is a spontaneous, uncontrollable dynamic movement...


But my passion and theirs have pushed me for years to search and ask myself: what if it was possible to create the conditions for direct experience to happen? To voluntarily enter the FLOW? And so I continued to investigate, relive, revisit and practice techniques learned in martial arts, in the different meditations, in retreats, in breath sessions, in catharsis, looking for the common elements, the effects and symptoms in the body that manifest themselves when I flow...

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